Other Publications
K.C. Korfmann, Roli Books, 2014, ISBN 978-81-7436-978-9
With a decade’s worth of carefully curated and hitherto unpublished images from around the globe – this book closely examines a wide spectrum of beliefs, worldly as well as spiritual. Peppered with anecdotes, opinions, and quotations, it compels the reader to look at all beliefs from a secular perspective and challenge any kind of dogma or convenient ideological reflex. The spectacular, untouched images often reflect unexpected views and are intended to stimulate debate and question traditional belief systems.
K.C. Korfmann, Roli Books, 2016, ISBN 978-93-5194-099-9
At the beginning of 2014, I rediscovered large format black-and-white photographs (measuring 8 by 10 inches), which I had made in the 1980s. This type of photography is less common in our times, when only about 3 percent of the approximately 1.5 trillion photographs taken in a year are clicked with real cameras, and of that small percentage, 99 percent are made using digital equipment.
The mission of this book is threefold: to present a body of photographic work not commonly seen today, to present a diverse body of verses, and to give witness to my stream of consciousness through a Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition-like combination of the two.
Derivatives II
K.C. Korfmann, Roli Books, 2018, ISBN 978-81-936009-9-3
At the beginning of 2014, I rediscovered large format black-and-white photographs (measuring 8 by 10 inches), which I had made in the 1980s. This type of photography is less common in our times, when only about 3 percent of the approximately 1.5 trillion photographs taken in a year are clicked with real cameras, and of that small percentage, 99 percent are made using digital equipment.
The mission of this book is threefold: to present a body of photographic work not commonly seen today, to present a diverse body of verses, and to give witness to my stream of consciousness through a Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition-like combination of the two.
Living Heritage – Centuries in Business
S.R. Korfmann-Bodenmann, Roli Books, 2016, ISBN 978-93-5194-178-1
Living Heritage – Centuries in Business features companies and institutions which have been active for at least two hundred years. Celebrating their heritage and legacy, the variety of companies featured in this book is broad. Pioneers and leaders in varied fields, these companies have adapted to new market conditions by expanding their range of business activities, while at the same time focusing on what they are doing best.
Brooklyn – Heritage Reclaimed
S.R. Korfmann-Bodenmann, Roli Books, 2017, ISBN 978-93-5194-134-7
Brooklyn – Heritage Reclaimed features fifty profiles of prominent people and summarizes select highlights of their lives. With details from the locations where they were born, went to school, or made a name for themselves, this book looks at Brooklyn through the lens of a contemporary outsider: heritage from another perspective. One of the melting pots of the world, Brooklyn has been and still is the location where cultures merge and talents are born. They all were born, have lived – or still live – in Brooklyn.